2021 co-authored with Kelly Lein. Research as Diplomacy: The Marriage of Research and Product. In Ad Hoc LLC Blog
2021 co-authored with Libby Kaufer. How Ethnographic Methods Make APIs more Usable. In EPIC.
2020 Ethnography is Key for Computer-to-Computer Communication that Enhances Veteran Experiences. In Members Voices Cultural Anthropology.
2018 ¿Tiene sentido la acción individual frente al cambio climático? En Letras Libres
2018 El cambio climático necesita nuevas metáforas. En Letras Libres
2018 Censura, cambio climático, y la nación mítica de Trump. En Letras Libres.
2016 Teaching the Anthropology of Elections in Times of Trump. In #teachingthedisaster collection for Savage Minds.
2016 Elections and Crisis: The Case of Colombia’s Peace Referendum. In Hot Spot Collection for Cultural Anthropology on the “Crisis of Liberalism.” Contribution invited by the Editor-in-chief.
2016 Populists as Political Outsiders in the U.S. Election. Blog Post crossposted in CASTAC and HASTS.
2015 The Tactics of Political Campaigning as an Obstacle to Peace. In: The Colombian Peace Process: A Possibility in Spite of Itself. Hot Spot Collection for Cultural Anthropology.
2015 Co-edited with Alex Fattal. The Colombian Peace Process: A Possibility in Spite of Itself. Hot Spot Collection for Cultural Anthropology.
2012 Romans or Barbarians? Political Campaigns and Social Media in Colombia. Chris Kelty, Lilly Irani and Nick Seaver, eds. LIMN No. 2
Academic Articles + Book Reviews
2020 The body politic. Book review of Heather Gautney’s Crashing the Party: from the Bernie Sander’s campaign to a progressive movement. JRAI (26) 433-434.
2017 Cyborg Political Machines: Political Brokering and Modern Political Campaigning in Colombia. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory (7) 2: 255-277
2016 Emerging in Play: Collectives, Ownership, and Everyday Rules in a Low-Income Neighborhood in Boston. Social Science Information (55) 3: September
2014 Co-authored with Katarzyna Balug. Imagine! You Have Nothing to Lose. Collaboration and Play in Urban Development. Critical Sociology. First Published Online on May 2, 2014.
2011 “That’s how you win elections”: Electoral Transactions, Political Consultancy and the Personalization of Politics in Colombia’s Democratic Reform. Suzanne Beth, Léa Kalora and Anne Lardeux, eds. Altérités (8) 1: November